Health & Nutrition Seminars 

Anderson Events runs a number of General Health & Nutrition Seminars for medium to large corporations throughout Sydney. Our seminars are of a general nature and set about educating employees about the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle so that they can cope with the demands and pressures associated with work and relationships.

We can develop specific health and lifestyle topics for your company to reflect the needs of your staff. Some of the topics we have presented are:

  • The Art of sensible weight loss through diet habits
  • The Benefits of Exercise for work and general health
  • Changes to your work life to create a life balance
  • Ways to Manage Work Related Stress
  • General Health & Well Being motivation
Motivational Speakers & Life Coaching

Anderson Events has had extensive experience in providing motivational speakers and life coaches for one on one and group situations. We have provided motivational speakers for large Industry Associations to small sales teams to provide them with some form of inspiration in their own life to try and achieve all their own personal and business ambitions. “To be inspirational in life, firstly you must be inspired by greatness”

As an extension of being motivated by others, we at Anderson Events believe that you can only achieve your great potential in life, by living your own life – and not the dreams of others. Many people go around trying to live someone else’s dream either their friends or a close family member (Dad or Mum!) without ever realising that they could be following their own dream!

Anderson Events offers a full consultation service to companies and provides a number of forums that facilitates this process. Some of which include:

  • GROUP LIFE & ONE ON ONE COACHING SESSIONS We provide simple pointers to one and all about what is it that drives us, what is it that makes us happy and essentially what gives us a sense of achievement, contentment and purpose.
  • LIFE COACHING SESSIONS We provide group and a one on one session that learns to develop techniques for creating a positive frame of mind to achieve a sense of purpose, balance, harmony and contentment with yourself and others.
Healthy Business Audits

Is your workforce lacking general energy, inspiration and motivation? Are they a team of adaptable and cohesive beings that can overcome pressures of deadlines and hard to solve work problems?

Sometimes companies are lacking the drive, the inspiration and motivation to achieve business targets and goals. Sometimes it is because of each individual’s commitment, sometimes it is the environment they work in – it could be a combination of many of these factors!

At Anderson Events, we have come up with a variety of programs to tackle these issues and more to ensure a highly motivated workforce that achieves all the required business objectives.

LACKING ENERGY? WHATS THE SOLUTION? Our plan of attack is simple; we sit down with you and your staff and determine what drives them to do a good and capable job. We look at a number of areas of your workplace and adjust to affect a fully motivated team environment. Some of which include:

  • YOUR PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT – your team may work in areas without adequate light and oxygen, which make the brain function and stimulate the senses, often causing depressive and isolated behaviour in the workforce.
  • REGULAR NUTRITION OF STAFF MEMEBERS – your staff may not be eating or drinking at regular intervals and may not be getting the right sort of times, thus affecting physical performance due to dehydration or malnutrition.
  • SOCIAL OUTLETS – finding the right forum for staff members to come together to enjoy each other’s company. Drinks nights are fading, as they do not provide a proper social outlet for staff; new programs are being designed to achieve greater teamwork such as fun sports days, group training, and trivia and games nights.
  • EDUCATION SEMINARS – many of your staff are not educated on the physical and psychological affects of alcoholism, drugs, late nights, and poor nutrition. Our role is to provide regular information/sessions to assist in these areas.

Anderson Events has designed numerous programs that can benefit your workforce get back on track to a better harmonious and motivated work environment.

Executive Stress & Wellbeing Tests

Is your intellectual capital at risk? Are your key management staff members’ health and well-being, drive and enthusiasm below par, thereby affecting their work performance, and of course, your bottom line? If the answer is yes, then you need the services of Anderson Events to ensure that your key executives are “re-tuned and revitalised” to maximise their productivity!

Anderson Events can achieve this by following a number of processes:

  • Medical Testing – your execs can be physically tested to ensure that their general health is normal and that there is not any physical condition that may affect their work performance
  • General Health Consultation – we assess your execs lifestyle habits such as diets and exercise and then recommend a course of action (if needed) to ensure that their energy levels are maximised.
  • After Testing Service – if your execs are deemed to be under the normal “health scale”, then we can develop a program to build them up to the norm again! We have developed numerous 6-month programs, which include assisting with nutrition and exercising to strengthen the mind and body.

We can develop specific testing programs for your company to reflect the needs of your key staff members.

For more information please contact us on 1300 132 921 or